Platform for tenant - instruction

Tenant Panel is a place where, depending on the preferences of the landlord, you can:

→  view the billing between you and the landlord
→  check the cost and add meter readings
→  download documents related to the lease
→  report a defect or other problem in the apartment

In this article, you find:

Logging in

The landlord will provide you with the login address for the tenant panel via email, verbally, or by notation on the rental agreement. To log into your account and set your password, follow the link provided by the landlord.

1.Log in for the first time:

2. Then enter your email address provided with the contract:

3. In a few seconds, you will receive an email with your password. If you cannot find it, please go to your spam folder. 

  1. First click on the link
  2. Then copy the password 

4. After clicking on the activation link, you will be moved to the login page. Then log in with your email and password provided in the email:

5. Once logged in, the Tenant Panel should look similar to the following:

From the home page you can add meter readings, report a defect, check your current balance and make a quick invoice payment. 
Just click on the appropriate tab.

Adding counter readings

Here is a sample photo of a water meter
Adding counter readings 
If you are billing your landlord for utilities by meter, you can add the readings yourself. 


there is ALWAYS a comma before the red numbers that you need to type in.

Here is a sample picture of a water meter:

To add meter readings, click on the blue tile named "Counters". 

A window will appear for you to complete the data.
Select the date, and the meter reading. If there are more meters in the room, check the meter number before writing the reading. Finally, save the changes and you are done.

Reporting an issue 

You can report an issue on your apartment or other problem through your tenant panel. 

Simply click on the issue tile: 

A window will appear where you need to enter a subject, and if possible, an accurate description. You can add pictures from this level. In case of a technical fault, these will be helpful, for the technician who comes to fix it. 

When you add a ticket, it will be visible on the main panel page:

Billing and document preview

You can also preview and download signed documents in your tenant panel:

→ Documents:

→ Finance

→ Utilities

Here you will find a preview of all utility readings, their cost, and personnel changes in the apartment. 


You may not have this tab if you are billing your landlord for utilities on a fixed rate basis.

(a) the meter, its number and location
(b) the previous meter reading value
(c) number of tenants living - how many people the utility consumption is divided into
(d) personnel changes - green are people who have moved in, red are people who have moved out. 

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